Penulis: William Ramirez
Tanggal Nggawe: 17 September 2021
Tanggal Nganyari: 22 Maret 2025
Over-the-counter drugs: The misuse of dextromethorphan (DXM)
Video: Over-the-counter drugs: The misuse of dextromethorphan (DXM)


Dextromethorphan digunakake kanggo sementara nyuda batuk sing disebabake dening selesma, flu, utawa kahanan liyane. Dextromethorphan bakal ngatasi batuk nanging ora bakal ngobati sebab batuk utawa pulih kanthi cepet. Dextromethorphan ana ing kelas obat sing diarani antitussives. Bisa digunakake kanthi nyuda kegiatan ing bagean otak sing nyebabake batuk.

Dextromethorphan minangka kapsul sing kapenuhan cair, tablet sing bisa diunyah, strip larut, solusi (cairan), suspensi (cairan) sing diluncurake (long-acting), lan obat sing bisa ditrapake kanthi lisan. Biasane dijupuk saben 4 nganti 12 jam yen dibutuhake. Tindakake pandhuan ing paket utawa label resep kanthi tliti, lan takon dhokter utawa apoteker sampeyan nerangake bagean apa sing sampeyan ora ngerteni.

Dextromethorphan mung kudu digunakake miturut label utawa arah paket. Aja njupuk luwih saka jumlah dextromethorphan sing disaranake sajrone 24 jam. Hubungi paket utawa label resep kanggo nemtokake jumlah sing ana ing saben dosis. Nggunakake dextromethorphan kanthi gedhe bisa nyebabake efek samping utawa pati serius.

Dextromethorphan teka dhewe lan digabung karo antihistamin, suppressants batuk, lan dekongestan. Takon dhokter utawa apoteker kanggo menehi saran babagan produk sing paling cocog kanggo gejala sampeyan. Priksa label produk batuk lan adhem tanpa resep kanthi tliti sadurunge nggunakake 2 utawa luwih produk sekaligus. Produk kasebut bisa uga ngemot bahan aktif sing padha lan nyawiji bisa nyebabake sampeyan nampa overdosis. Iki penting banget yen sampeyan bakal menehi obat batuk lan adhem kanggo bocah.

Produk kombinasi batuk lan adhem tanpa resep, kalebu produk sing ngemot dextromethorphan, bisa nyebabake efek samping serius utawa matine bocah cilik. Aja menehi produk kasebut menyang bocah sing umure luwih saka 4 taun. Yen sampeyan menehi produk kasebut menyang bocah umur 4-11 taun, ati-ati lan tindakake pandhuan paket kasebut kanthi tliti.

Yen sampeyan menehi dextromethorphan utawa produk gabungan sing ngemot dextromethorphan kanggo bocah, waca label paket kasebut kanthi tliti kanggo mesthekake yen produk kasebut cocog kanggo bocah umur kasebut. Aja menehi produk dextromethorphan sing digawe kanggo wong diwasa kanggo bocah.

Sadurunge menehi produk dextromethorphan kanggo bocah, priksa label paket kanggo nemokake pinten obat sing kudu ditampa bocah kasebut. Menehi dosis sing cocog karo umur bocah ing grafik. Takon dhokter bocah kasebut yen sampeyan ora ngerti pinten obat sing kudu diwenehake bocah kasebut.

Yen sampeyan ngombe cairan kasebut, aja nggunakake sendok rumah tangga kanggo ngukur dosis sampeyan. Gunakake sendok utawa cangkir pangukuran sing diwenehake karo obat utawa nggunakake sendok sing digawe khusus kanggo ngukur obat.

Yen sampeyan nggunakake strip sing larut, lebokake ing ilat lan telat sawise nyawiji.

Yen sampeyan njupuk tablet sing bisa diunyah, sampeyan bisa nglelehake ing tutuk utawa bisa ngunyah sadurunge ngulu.

Yen sampeyan nggunakake suspensi rilis sing luwih dawa, goyangake botol sadurunge saben panggunaan kanggo nyampur obat kanthi rata.

Yen sampeyan njupuk lozenges, wenehake supaya alon-alon cair ing cangkem.

Aja nganti njupuk dextromethorphan lan nelpon dhokter yen batuk ora sehat sajrone 7 dina, yen batuk sampeyan ilang lan bali, utawa batuk sampeyan kena demam, ruam, utawa sirah.

Obat iki kadang diwenehake kanggo panggunaan liyane; takon dhokter utawa apoteker kanggo informasi lengkap.

Sadurunge njupuk dextromethorphan,

  • ngandhani dhokter lan apoteker sampeyan yen alergi marang dextromethorphan, obat liyane, utawa bahan-bahan ing produk sing pengin dijupuk. Priksa label paket kanggo dhaptar bahan kasebut.
  • aja njupuk dextromethorphan yen sampeyan nggunakake inhibitor monoamine oxidase (MAO) kayata isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam, Zelapar), lan tranylcypromine (Parnate), utawa yen sampeyan wis ora njupuk MAO penghambat sajrone 2 minggu kepungkur.
  • ngandhani dhokter lan apoteker apa resep, vitamin, suplemen nutrisi, lan produk herbal sing dijupuk utawa wis direncanakake.
  • ujar menyang dhokter yen sampeyan ngrokok, yen sampeyan batuk sing ngalami plunder (lendir), utawa yen sampeyan wis ngalami masalah napas kayata panandhang asma, emfisema, utawa bronkitis kronis.
  • ngandhani dhokter sampeyan yen sampeyan lagi ngandut, rencana bakal meteng, utawa nyusoni. Yen sampeyan meteng nalika nggunakake dextromethorphan, hubungi dhokter.
  • yen sampeyan duwe phenylketonuria (PKU, kondhisi pusaka sing kudu ditindakake diet khusus kanggo nyegah keterbatasan mental), sampeyan kudu ngerti manawa sawetara merek tablet mamah sing ngemot dextromethorphan bisa ditambah karo aspartam, sumber fenilalanin.

Kajaba dhokter menehi katrangan liyane, terusake diet normal.

Dextromethorphan biasane dijupuk yen dibutuhake. Yen dhokter wis ngandhani supaya ngombe dextromethorphan kanthi rutin, ngombe dosis yen sampeyan ngelingi. Nanging, yen wis meh wayahe dosis sabanjure, uwal saka dosis sing ora kejawab lan terusake jadwal dosis biasa. Aja njupuk dosis kaping pindho kanggo ngganti sing ora kejawab.

Dextromethorphan bisa nyebabake efek samping. Marang dhokter yen gejala kasebut abot utawa ora ilang:

  • pusing
  • entheng
  • ngantuk
  • gugup
  • gelisah
  • mual
  • mutah-mutah
  • lara weteng

Yen sampeyan ngalami gejala ing ngisor iki, hubungi dhokter sampeyan:

  • ruam

Dextromethorphan bisa nyebabake efek samping liyane. Hubungi dhokter yen sampeyan nemoni masalah sing ora umum nalika ngombe obat iki.

Yen sampeyan ngalami efek samping sing serius, sampeyan utawa dhokter bisa uga ngirim laporan menyang program Pelaporan MedWatch Adverse Acara Administrasi Pangan lan Obat (FDA) online ( utawa liwat telpon ( 1-800-332-1088).

Simpen obat iki ing wadhah sing diiseni, ditutup kanthi kenceng, lan ora tekan bocah. Simpen ing suhu kamar lan adoh saka panas lan kelembapan sing berlebihan (ora ana ing jedhing).

Pangobatan sing ora dibutuhake kudu dibuwang kanthi cara khusus kanggo mesthekake yen kewan ingon-ingon, bocah-bocah, lan wong liya ora bisa dikonsumsi. Nanging, sampeyan ora kudu nyuntikake obat iki menyang jamban. Nanging, cara paling apik kanggo mbuwang obat yaiku liwat program pengambilan obat. Dhiskusi karo apoteker utawa hubungi departemen sampah / daur ulang lokal kanggo sinau babagan program take-back ing komunitas sampeyan. Deleng situs web Pembuangan Aman saka Obat-obatan FDA ( kanggo informasi luwih lengkap yen sampeyan ora duwe akses menyang program sing dijupuk maneh.

Penting, supaya kabeh obat ora bisa dideleng lan kasedhiya ing bocah-bocah amarga akeh kontainer (kayata pil pil saben minggu lan tetes mata, krim, tambalan, lan inhaler) ora tahan bocah lan bocah cilik bisa gampang mbukak kanthi gampang. Kanggo nglindhungi bocah cilik saka keracunan, kunci kunci keamanan lan langsung pasang obat ing lokasi sing aman - obat sing wis ora ana lan ora ana sing bisa dideleng.

Yen overdosis, hubungi helpline kontrol racun ing 1-800-222-1222. Informasi uga kasedhiya online ing Yen korban ambruk, kejang, alangan ambegan, utawa ora bisa tangi, langsung hubungi layanan darurat ing 911.

Gejala overdosis bisa uga kalebu:

  • mual
  • mutah-mutah
  • ngantuk
  • pusing
  • ora stabil
  • pangowahan ing sesanti
  • kangelan ambegan
  • deg-degan cepet
  • halusinasi (ndeleng barang utawa keprungu swara sing ora ana)
  • kejang-kejang
  • koma (kelangan eling sajrone wektu)

Takon apoteker sampeyan babagan pitakon babagan dextromethorphan.

Penting, sampeyan kudu nyimpen dhaptar kabeh resep obat lan resep sing ora resep (over-the-counter), uga produk apa wae kayata vitamin, mineral, utawa suplemen panganan liyane. Sampeyan kudu nggawa dhaptar iki saben sampeyan ngunjungi dokter utawa yen sampeyan mlebu rumah sakit. Sampeyan uga informasi sing penting kanggo nggawa sampeyan yen ana kahanan darurat.

  • Babee Cof®
  • Benylin®
  • Lekuk Batuk Robitussin Anak®
  • Dexalone®
  • Diabetuss®
  • Pertussin ES®
  • Diabetes Scot-Tussin CF®
  • Silphen DM®
  • Batuk Vicks DayQuil®
  • Formula Vicks 44 Batuk Kering Perawatan Khusus®
  • Batuk Zicam MAX®
  • DM AccuHist® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • AccuHist PDX® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • DM Alahist® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Albatussin NN® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate, Pyrilamine)§
  • Aldex DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Aldex GS DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Formula Kadhemen lan Batuk Alka-Seltzer Plus® (ngemot Aspirin, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Formula Kadhemen Dina lan Wengi Alka-Seltzer Plus® (ngemot Aspirin, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Formula Kadhemen Non-Ngalam Alka-Seltzer Plus Dina® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Formula Flu Alka-Seltzer Plus® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Alka-Seltzer Plus Mucus lan rame® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Formula Kadhemen Wengi Alka-Seltzer Plus® (ngemot Aspirin, Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine, Phenylephrine)
  • Allanhist PDX® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Allfen DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • DM ambifed® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Amerituss AD® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Aquatab C® (ngemot Carbetapentane, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Aquatab DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Balacall DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Biodec DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Biotuss® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • BP 8® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • BPM PE DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Bromdex® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • DM Bromfed® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)
  • DM Bromhist® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Bromhist PDX® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • DM Bromphenex® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Bromtuss DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Broncopectol® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Bronkids® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Brontuss® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Brontuss DX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Brontuss SF® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk PE-DM Brotapp lan Kadhemen® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Brotapp-DM Kadhemen lan Batuk® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Brovex PEB DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Brovex PSB DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)
  • C Phen DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • DM Carbofed® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Cardec DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Centergy DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Ceron DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Cerose DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Cheracol D® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Kadhemen lan Batuk Dimetapp Bocah® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk Tumindak Dimetapp Bocah-Bocah Ditambah Kadhemen® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Dimetapp Multisymptom Anak Kadhemen lan Flu® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk Mucinex Anak® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Mucinex Multi-Gejala Mucinex Anak® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Irung Apik Mucinex Bocah lan Kadhemen® (ngemot Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk Robitussin Anak lan CF Kadhemen® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk Robitussin Anak lan CF Kadhemen® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk Robitussin Bocah-bocah lan tumindak dawa kadhemen® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Cilik lan Batuk PE Sudafed Anak® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Chlordex GP® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Sirup Codal-DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)
  • DM koodimal® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)
  • DM Coldmist® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Comtrex Adhem lan Batuk Dina / Wengi® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Comtrex Adhem lan Batuk Ora Ngantuk® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Corfen DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Coricidin HBP Dada lan Batuk® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Batuk HBP Coricidin lan Kadhemen® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Coricidin HBP Dina lan Wengi Multi-Gejala Kadhemen® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Fluasi Maksimum Coricidin HBP® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Coricidin HBP Wayah Wengi Multi-Gejala Kadhemen® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine)
  • Coryza DM® (ngemot Dexchlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Despec NR® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • DM diabetes Tussin® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Dimaphen DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Dimetane DX® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Donatussin DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • DM Drituss® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Batuk Drixoral / Tenggorokan® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan)
  • Duratuss DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Duravent-DPB® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Dynatuss EX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • DM Endacon® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Execof® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • ExeFen DMX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Fenesin DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Ganituss DM NR® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Genetuss 2® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Giltuss® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Guaidex TR® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Methscopolamine, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Guiadrine DX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Guiatuss DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Halotussin DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • DM histadec® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • HT-Tuss DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Humibid CS® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Humibid DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Bukak DM-NR® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Lartus® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phelyephrine)§
  • Lohist-DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • LoHist-PEB-DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • LoHist-PSB-DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Lortuss DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Maxichlor® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Maxiphen ADT® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Maxi-Tuss DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • DM Medent® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Mintuss DR® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Batuk Mucinex Kanggo Bocah-bocah® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Mucinex DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Muco Fen DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • MyHist DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Myphetane Dx® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Mytussin DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Naldecon DX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Nasohist DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Neo DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • NoHist-DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Norel DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Nortuss EX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Batuk lan PediCare Bocah-bocah® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • PediaCare Fever Reducer Plus Batuk lan Irung Cepat® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • PediaCare Fever Reducer Plus Batuk lan Tenggorokan Ngelu® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan)
  • PediaCare Flu Reducer Plus Flu® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • PediaCare Fever Reducer Plus Multi-Gejala Kadhemen® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Kadhemen Multi-Gejala Anak PediaCare® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • DM pediahist® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Phenydex® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pyrilamine)§
  • Poly Hist DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • DM Polytan® (ngemot Dexbrompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • DM Poly-Tussin® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Prolex DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Prometh DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Promethazine)
  • Promethazine DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Promethazine)
  • DM Pyril® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Q-BID DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Q-Tussin DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Quartuss® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Quartuss DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • RemeHist DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • RemeTussin DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Respa DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Resepper® (ngemot Dexchlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)
  • Batuk Robitussin lan DM Dada® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Batuk Robitussin lan CF Kadhemen® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk Robitussin lan Long-Long Acting® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Batuk Waktu Wengi Robitussin, Kadhemen, lan Flu® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Rondamine DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Rondec DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Ru-Tuss DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • DM-Tussin DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Scot-Tussin Senior® (ngemot Guaifenesin, Dextromethorphan)
  • Sildec PE DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • DM Siltussin® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Simuc DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Sinutuss DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Sonahist DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Statuss DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Sudafed PE Kadhemen / Batuk® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Sudafed PE Dina / Wengi Kadhemen® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Diphenhydramine, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Sudatex DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Tenar DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Theraflu Kadhemen lan Batuk® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Pheniramine, Phenylephrine)
  • Theraflu Dina Wetara Adhem lan Batuk® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Theraflu Max-D Kadhemen Kadhemen lan Flu® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)
  • Touro CC® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Touro DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Batuk Tesamin lan Tenggorokan Sakit® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan)
  • Wektu Dina Triaminis Kadhemen lan Batuk® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Batuk Akting Panjang Triaminic® (ngemot Dextromethorphan)
  • Demam Multi-Gejala Triaminic® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Trikof D® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Triplex DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Trispec DMX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Trispec PSE® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Trital DM® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Trituss® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Tusdec DM® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
  • Tengkorak® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Tussafed EX® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Tussafed LA® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Tussi Pres® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Tussidex® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • Tussin CF® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Tussin DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Tylenol awan adhem lan watuk® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan)
  • Wengi Tylenol Kadhemen lan Batuk® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine)
  • Tylenol Kadhemen lan Flu Kuwat® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Wengi Tylenol Kadhemen Multi-Gejala® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Tylenol Kadhemen Multi-Gejala Amba® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Kadhemen lan Flu NyQuil Anak® (ngemot Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Vicks DayQuil Cold lan Flu® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Vicks DayQuil Gejala Kadhemen lan Flu Ditambah Vitamin C® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Vicks DayQuil Mucus Control DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Formula Vicks 44 Batuk Kucing Perawatan Khusus® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Formula Vicks 44 Kemacetan Perawatan Khusus® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Formula Vicks 44 Batuk Perawatan Khusus lan PM Dingin® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
  • Vicks NyQuil Cold lan Flu® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine)
  • Vicks NyQuil Gejala Kadhemen lan Flu Ditambahi Ditambah Vitamin C® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine)
  • Batuk Vicks NyQuil® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine)
  • Viratan DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Viravan DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Viravan PDM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine, Pyrilamine)§
  • Y-Cof DMX® (ngemot Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
  • Z-Cof DM® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
  • Z-Cof LA® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
  • Z-Dex® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
  • Zicam Multi-Gejala Kadhemen lan Flu Awan® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
  • Zicam Multi-Gejala Kadhemen lan Flu Wengi Wengi® (ngemot Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine)
  • Zotex® (ngemot Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
  • DM

§ Produk kasebut saiki ora disetujoni dening FDA kanggo keamanan, efektifitas, lan kualitas. Ukum federal umume mbutuhake obat resep ing A.S. ditampilake dadi aman lan efektif sadurunge pemasaran. Deleng situs web FDA kanggo informasi luwih lengkap babagan obat sing ora disetujoni ( lan proses persetujuan ( /Consumers/ucm054420.htm).

Produk merek iki wis ora ana ing pasar maneh. Alternatif umum bisa uga kasedhiya.

Revisi Pungkasan - 02/15/2018

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